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MKW21: Can Melbourne live in the doughnut?
SR Talks | Transformative action to live within the Doughnut — Kate Raworth & Andrew Fanning
Kate Raworth, Author of Doughnut Economics, 11th UNGA Dialogue on HwN, 22 April 2022.
S2 E25 New Economics a la Doughnut
For Good Measure: How Do We Measure Impact?
4 vragen aan Mariana Mazzucato
Jim Rickards Believes 99% Will Lose Everything As The BIGGEST Economic Crisis IS HERE!!!!
CLES in conversation with…Kate Raworth
NewHoRRIzon Final conf | Session9: The future of RRI– Policy & RRI in times of political turbulence
Jim Rickards: BITCOIN IS THE GREATEST PONZI IN HISTORY, People Are Too Naive To Understand
Deirdre McCloskey | Why are we so rich?
4. Does economics do a good job in addressing the other issues people care about? - Second trailer